Homeland is an important and dear word for all people of the world. Each person has his own understanding of the Motherland. By this word I mean my family, my village, my native school, our whole huge country. The twentieth century for the Kazakh people and for all Kazakhstanis has become a historical period full of hopes and doubts, full of struggle of various levels and significance, with a variety of results. The totalitarian system brought severe disasters to the people: millions of people died, some left their native land and were forced to wander to other countries; traditions, religion, native language were destroyed, many peoples, including Kazakhs, found themselves in the position of a national minority on their land. Kazakhstan was the only republic on the territory of the former USSR in which the indigenous population was a minority.
The policy of perestroika found broad support among the people of Kazakhstan, who believed in transparency and democracy. However, the December events of 1986 once again showed the doom of the «socialist» system to failure. On December 17, thousands of protesters against the current policy of the Center of Boys and Girls came to the Republic Square in Almaty. These young people fought for democracy, for independence, for the development of the language and culture of the republic. But after the peaceful demonstration was dispersed, the most severe punitive measures were applied to the rally participants, several people were killed, including a young Democrat K. Ryskulov, a symbol of the youth’s struggle for freedom, who was sentenced to death.
The December events marked the beginning of the formation of Kazakhstan as an independent, sovereign state, and for this we will be eternally grateful to the people devoted to their Homeland, who gave their lives in the name of freedom and prosperity of their native land. One of the main riches of our country is its people. And I am proud that we are descendants of people with souls devoted to their native land and fiery hearts. Kazakhstan’s acquisition of state independence marked the beginning of a number of processes that continue to develop and are still far from being completed. They affect various aspects of the life of the state and the people.
After the proclamation of the State independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the process of forming a new political system characterized by a strong presidential power and based on the principles of democracy and respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms began.
Good changes are taking place in the country, inspiring joy and hope. In 1991, it was decided to rename the Kazakh SSR to the Republic of Kazakhstan. Having gained independence, our people elected their President on a democratic basis for the first time; N.A. Nazarbayev, who is the head of state to this day, became the first president of the republic. In the 90s, Kazakhstan declared itself on the world stage. In 1992, the republic became a member of the UN, and later joined other international organizations. The Kazakh language has acquired the status of the state language. The honest names of the glorious Kazakh sons have been restored. In 1992, the Parliament of the Republic adopted new state symbols: the coat of arms, flag and anthem in the development of which he participated.
Our coat of arms is a symbol of the integrity of the world and the foundation of the state — the family, it is the personification of a winged dream and a flight of creative imagination, it is the guiding star of the state. Our flag is a blue cloudless sky — a symbol of unity of all the peoples of Kazakhstan. It is a symbol of the life and development of the country. It is a symbol of the breadth of the soul of the steppe people, ready to open their arms to all friendly peoples and nations that respect the proud, freedom-loving spirit of our multinational sovereign state. Our anthem is a solemn song that reflects the whole life of the Kazakh people. It sings about the difficulties he has experienced throughout his history, his heroic struggle for independence. It sounds the greatness of the people who proclaimed peace and friendship, faith in a happy future. December 16 was declared the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan in memory of the December events of 1986. The acquisition of independence and entry into the world community required the revision and adoption of a new basic law of the republic — the Constitution. In January 1993, the Constitution of Kazakhstan was adopted, declaring it a unitary, secular and democratic state. The continuation of the reforms of the political system led to the adoption of the second Constitution on August 30, 1995, according to which the supreme legislative power was transferred to a bicameral parliament consisting of the Senate and the Majilis. The stabilization of the financial system became possible as a result of the introduction of the national currency — tenge in November 1993. In 1997, an important event in the life of Kazakhstan took place — the transfer of the capital to Astana, which was dictated by a number of economic and political reasons. Today Nur-Sultan is a modern, developed city, symbolizing the power and strength of Kazakhstan. I love my homeland, which gave us a peaceful sky over our heads, its ancient history, which gave us a unique culture and traditions, its heroic people with the most hospitable soul in the world… The independence of our country is the most sacred acquisition of the Kazakh people. The independence of our country is the most sacred acquisition of the Kazakh people. For me, Kazakhstan seems to be an unshakable hulk. Of course, this is an ambiguous feeling. The family and personal ties that bind my large family are becoming stronger and stronger in the Kazakh land. Traditions of respect for elders, diligence and order in relationships – this is how our family has been living in one place for decades. I was taught to love nature, enjoy nature, helped to understand the beauty of nature, human beauty in general. I have dreams! I am sure they will come true! It’s interesting and really I know how to love and be friends. My life is filled with work, study, caring for loved ones. In my essay, I want to show you that happiness in my understanding is a family and the land where I was born and live. I believe that our time requires a generation of active and caring people. We should strive to be like those who fought for the life we live. My life develops in peace, harmony and prosperity. Of course, on the way to the future, comprehending life, I will be involved in the course of history. I will certainly contribute to the prosperity of Kazakhstan.
My homeland is a great state. Our ancestors have been dying and suffering for centuries, so that today Kazakhstan would become a free and independent state. Independence Day is not just a holiday, but the result of hard work and friendship of all peoples living in Kazakhstan. I am grateful to my homeland for my family, friends and the peaceful sky above my head.
Kazakhstan is my home, my land, my homeland, and I am proud of it.
Утегенова Айсұлу Бахтиярқызы,
С.Сейфуллин атындағы жалпы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі.
Ордабасы ауданы.