Undoubtedly, the greatest wealth for any nation is its native language, culture and heritage for a generation. Every nation has had it built for millennia, and it has been passed down from generation to generation. A person cannot exist without food, water. Communication is also vital for a person. Thanks to this, there are many different languages in the world. Every nation’s native language is a piece of what this nation and each of its people are proud of. This is a part of the whole family where he grows up, and above all a part of the person himself that is laid down by nature.
My native language, which I am very proud of, is Kazakh. The history of this language begins from time immemorial, from the very time of nomadism. There were many wars for the independence of this language, and thanks to our ancestors, we speak Kazakh today and communicate, many foreigners are trying to learn it from interest in our language, and we can say that the Kazakh language has great potential to become one of the world languages. After all, our country is just beginning to show itself on the world stage. The Kazakh language is a very rich and rich language. There are more than two million terms in this language. Our people are famous not only for their language, but also for their rich culture, which has absorbed everything from our ancestors. Many «Kazakh batyrs» fought for the independence and prosperity of the nation, their dream was that their ancestors did not need anything, lived in the open air, and could proudly declare to everyone that they were a state. And we succeeded.
Not to mention the great enlighteners of the twentieth century, our head of state N.A.Nazarbayev deserves special respect. In such a short time, he overcame a difficult path and for more than twenty years built an independent country of Kazakhstan, which is now recognized almost everywhere. Your native language has given you everything! You learned to speak for the first time, saw your mother’s smile, listened to your father and received emotions that are remembered for a lifetime. School, first friends, first acquaintances-all this would not have happened without language. He came to you with his mother’s milk and is inscribed in your DNA. You can learn hundreds of other languages, but your native language will always be in a separate place in your soul.
More than 300 nations live peacefully and under one sky in Kazakhstan. But no one shares and does not object to the fact that the Kazakh language is a common state language for everyone. We live as one friendly family, sharing bitterness and joy. Every year a holiday of unity of the peoples living in Kazakhstan is held.
The Kazakh language is not only a language for communication. The language reflects the origins of the nation, their history and customs. And the songs of the akyns of those times, come to us like the rustle of grass, the wind of the mountains describe the beauty of nature of those times. All the stories and stories simply fascinate the listener with their beauty. How to do without musical instruments, Kazakh music. From the sound of dombra, kobyz or zhetygen, you can feel a sense of euphoria, from how pleasant the melody sounds and caresses the ear-priceless Remembering the past, living in the present, and looking into the future, we must understand that there is no greater wealth than our native language! No wonder so many words have been said about the importance of the native language. The native language is the language of the soul, the language of the heart. If the language disappears, the people will disappear. My native language is Kazakh, the native language of the nomads. It reflects the culture of the Kazakh people, its distinctive features, historical development. Language is the character of a people, its memory, history and spiritual power. It displays the customs, traditions, way of life of the people, their mind and experience, beauty and strength of soul. The history of my native language is inseparable from the history of the Kazakh people. Education and development of the national language is a complex, long process. This language has been created for thousands of years in order to turn into the main wealth of the Kazakh people in the present.
The Kazakh language is distinguished by its special melodiousness and unique soulfulness. The Kazakh language has a huge stock of words (more than two million!), a variety of synonyms and shades of speech. All this testifies to the power and richness of the language. Kazakh is the language of literature, folk songs, legends and legends. The land of Kazakhstan is rich in literary talents: poets, writers, playwrights. All of them have made their contribution to the development of the language. The native language is the most important in every person’s life, it is the language in which you uttered your first words; the language in which you read, write, think; the language that makes you related to your people and country. From birth to old age, a person’s life is inextricably linked with his native language. But perhaps the most amazing thing in the world is the word. In a word, you can heal, wound, calm, make believe and inspire. Especially if this word is said in your native language.
The Word opens up boundless possibilities, whole worlds and universes to man. Through the pages of books and live conversations, a person learns what he has not actually seen yet. Distant shores, foreign countries and unexplored places become visible. And all this is thanks to the language.
The national language of Kazakhstan is poems that can be sung and books that occupy all thoughts. How many poets are there in this country, how many traditions and how many thoughts? Every citizen of Kazakhstan can sing lullabies in the national language and reads fairy tales of our people. The anthem is sung especially harmoniously in Kazakh. I do not know what exactly gives such an effect, the sounds of the words with which everyone agrees or the sound of the souls invested in this singing.
The soul of the people is diverse and very functional. Many objects of the Kazakh people exist only in Kazakhstan and, accordingly, the names denoting them can only be in our country. And they sound special to us. Nowhere else do they want peace when they meet, and only here the capital is called the capital. For some, this may sound like a tautology and a mistake, but for us it is Astana, the city of dreams and great opportunities. And our dastarkhan is known far beyond the borders of our beloved homeland. The nation is not a record in the passport and not the blood in our veins, but unity!
Looking back at the past, casting a glance at the future, we must clearly understand that the best of all our riches is our native language.
Мырзабекова Гулмира,
С.Сейфуллин ат жалпы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі.
Ордабасы ауданы.